Carlos Mejias of 94 Buttonball Lane zone AA is requesting a variance from section 4.4.6 for the purpose of adding a front porch to the structure that will have a depth of 5 feet and extend 46 feet across the front of the dwelling. The variance is requested because the alteration will decrease the front yard setback from 50 feet to 47 feet.
Brian Stepule representing Olivia Humphrey & Jason Kriedel of 28 Thompson St, Zone RR is requesting a variance from section 8.2.b for the purpose of replacing a one and a half existing garage with a two-car garage with a bonus room above. The existing structure is non-conforming due to the side yard setback reduced from 25ft to 22ft and the proposed addition will encroach into the side yard setback further than the existing house.
Corrine Crocker-Luby of 83 Naubuc Ave. Zone TCMU is requesting a variance to section 14.18.4(i)1 (Regulation error, should be 4.18.4(i)1) to allow 900 Sq.Ft. of developed floor area which exceeds the allowed 5000 Sq.Ft. to complete the designed planned redevelopment.
Acceptance of the Minutes of the January 17, 2024 Special Meeting
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